

Addiction services offered in Gateway, Fort Myers, FL

Substance misuse and addiction dramatically alter the lives of teens and adults, and for more than half, their challenges are magnified by also having a mental health disorder. The skilled mental health professionals at Sunshine Psychiatry in Fort Myers, Florida, offer comprehensive care for anyone with substance use disorder, including an outpatient detox program, long-term medication management, and personalized therapy. Don’t wait to seek the medical and mental health care you need to overcome an addiction. Call the office today or use online booking to request an in-patient or telepsychiatry appointment.

Addiction Q & A

How do addictions develop?

Addictive substances like alcohol and opioids activate your brain’s reward system, causing a surge of chemicals that ease pain, improve your mood, and give you a feeling of euphoria.

When you regularly use an addictive substance, your brain and body adjust to it and can’t function without it. That’s when cravings begin, and you need to take larger doses to get the same effect. Over time, an addiction develops, and you have withdrawal symptoms if you try to stop. 

What early signs might I notice before an addiction?

You may notice hallmark signs, such as:

  • Inability to stop using harmful substances
  • Isolating yourself from or avoiding family and friends
  • Constantly thinking about your addiction
  • Putting yourself at risk to get your substance
  • Skipping responsibilities at school or work
  • Physical health problems

If your teen is using an addictive substance, you may notice changes in their mood, personality, and behavior. 

Your teen may become uncharacteristically:

  • Withdrawn or depressed
  • Silent and unwilling to talk
  • Angry and uncooperative
  • Deceitful or secretive
  • Unable to focus
  • Hyperactive or elated
  • Oppositional and defiant

Teens and adults may experience common withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anxiety, tremors, muscle aches, and sweating.

What is a dual-diagnosis addiction?

A dual diagnosis (also called a co-occurring disorder or comorbidity) means you have a substance use disorder (addiction) and a mental health disorder, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Co-occurring disorders are incredibly common in teens and adults. More than half of adults and 18%-54% of teens have a dual diagnosis.

The skilled Sunshine Psychiatry team offers comprehensive addiction care, providing therapy and medication management for all co-occurring conditions.

Can I get addiction treatment through an outpatient program?

Sunshine Psychiatry offers an outpatient addiction treatment program following medication-assisted treatment (MAT) guidelines, which combines medication with therapy.

They prescribe Suboxone® for people needing outpatient treatment for an opioid dependency or addiction and use other FDA-approved medications for alcohol use disorder.

The medications you receive stop cravings and prevent withdrawal symptoms. Therapy helps you learn why you turn to alcohol or drugs and teaches the skills needed to reduce your risk of a relapse and achieve a successful long-term recovery.

You can overcome substance use disorder with support and treatment from the exceptional Sunshine Psychiatry team. Call the office or use online booking to request an in-person or telepsychiatry appointment today.